* @version 0.9 * @copyright Copyright 2004, 2005 - synetics GmbH * @license http://dev.perl.org/perl6/rfc/346.html Artistic License 2.0 */ /** * @desc Basic configuration parameters * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * base_dir - Absolute path of base directory * www_dir - Relative WWW-path of base directory * sess_time - Session time in seconds * theme - Theme you want to use - name of theme only! * startpage - Script filename of front controller */ $g_config = array ( "base_dir" => $g_absdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, // Relative WWW-Directory to the Rootdirectory "www_dir" => "/i-doit/", /* Webhost override: Imagine you have setup a virtual host for mydoit.de, but on an Apache server with more than one subdomains. Thus mydoit.de is a subdomain for the IP of the underlying system. Some parts of i-doIT automatically generate an URL for internal requests (as for CSS & JS pre-caching) - hence they use the IP, and not the domain, so the request won't arrive in the i-doIT framework. Use this option to override the Host used for URL-generation. (or set it to false) */ "override_host" => false, // Session timeout for a user "sess_time" => 1800, // Used theme "theme" => "default", // Start page for building links in the framework "startpage" => "index.php", // Debugging active? "debugging" => false, // Show button for bug-reporting? "bugreport" => true, // Show button for forum? "forum" => true, // MD5-hashed password for administrative use (current pass is 'admin') "adminpass" => "21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3" // Preselect a mandator after login? //"mandant_preselect" => "" ); /* Correct path - do NOT delete these lines! */ $g_config["www_dir"] = rtrim($g_config["www_dir"], "/"); $g_config["www_dir"] .= "/"; /** * @desc Directory configuration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Array of required global directory structure, the rest is read * and set by the system registry. NOTE: You should NOT modify this! */ $g_dirs = array ( "css_abs" => $g_config["base_dir"] . "src/themes/" . $g_config["theme"] . "/css/", "js_abs" => $g_config["base_dir"] . "src/tools/js/", "temp" => $g_config["base_dir"] . "temp/", "class" => $g_config["base_dir"] . "src/classes/", "temp_www" => $g_config["www_dir"] . "temp/", "images" => $g_config["www_dir"] . "images/", "theme_images" => $g_config["www_dir"] . "src/themes/" . $g_config["theme"] . "/images/", /* FILE MANAGER SETTINGS Modify them in order to control the file manager, downloads and uploads. target_dir must be absolute and tailed by /, furthermore, your apache-user (normally www-data) needs full access rights (RWX) to this directory. temp_dir is /tmp/ on UNIX systems, otherwise configure it here manually for Win. The image_dir is used for the uploaded object images www-data needs also full access here */ "fileman" => array( "target_dir" => "D:\\IT-Infrastruktur\\i-doit\\FILES\\", "temp_dir" => "D:\\IT-Infrastruktur\\i-doit\\FILES\\temp\\", "image_dir" => "D:\\IT-Infrastruktur\\i-doit\\FILES\\images\\" ) ); /* JOB CONTROL SYSTEM SETTINGS Variables for the Job Control System. Please care, that crontab_path is writable by the apache user, so the i-doIT Framework can write its changes. On Windows, the crontab file MUST be in the system32-directory, since the CRON Service can only read from this path. On Unix-systems, you should make a soft link from /etc/cron.d/i-doit or whatever your cron directory is to webroot/i-doit/cron/crontab. Also make sure, that you are allowed to use the crontab command, normally you must write your username into /etc/cron.allow */ $g_jcs = array ( /* The JCS user must have admin rights to the i-doIT system! */ "username" => "", "password" => "", /* Windows systems */ "crontab_path" => "C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\crontab", "cronwin_path" => "C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\crons.exe", /* Unix systems */ "crontab_path" => "C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\crontab", // CRONTAB File path "croncmd_path" => "/usr/sbin/crontab", // CRONTAB Control program /* i-doIT doesn't try to automatically evaluate the process ID of crond, enter the path into cronunix_pid */ "cronunix_pid" => "/var/run/crond.pid", "default" => array( "hour" => 10, "minute" => 30, /*10:30*/ "dow" => 0) /*0=sunday,...,7=saturday*/ ); /** * @desc Database configuration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This configuration is for the system database. Don't forget to use * mySQL 4.1 with the InnoDB table-driver. Only TCP/IP Hosts are * supported here, not UNIX domain sockets! */ $g_db_system = array( "host" => "", "port" => "3306", "user" => "i-doit", "pass" => "we-doit", "name" => "idoit_sys" ); /** * @desc Product info * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Just some internal product information */ $g_product_info = array( "version" => "0.9", "step" => "final" ); /** * @desc Proxy * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Proxy configuration */ $g_proxy = array( "active" => false, "host" => "", "port" => "", "user" => "", "pass" => "" ); /** * @desc SOAP * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SOAP Settings - i.e. for the i-doIT Info center category */ $g_soap = array( "url" => "http://dev.synetics.de/idic/provider.php", "user" => "", "pass" => "" ); ?>