Fehler nach der Installation
Er hat die beiden Datenbanken angelegt und die in idoit befindet sich isys_registry.Trotzdem bekomme ich folgende Meldung:
isys_exception_database : Query error: 'SHOW TABLES LIKE 'isys_registry';': (Extended Information: NULL)
System ist ein SleS10 mit Apache2 mit php5 und einer MySQL 5.0.18
Pastest du bitte deine config.inc.php und den Inhalt der Tabelle isys_mandator in deiner Systemdatenbank?
* i-doIT
* Basic configuration
* @package i-doIT
* @subpackage General
* @author Andre Woesten awoesten@i-doit.de* @version 0.9
* @copyright Copyright 2004, 2005 - synetics GmbH
* @license http://dev.perl.org/perl6/rfc/346.html Artistic License 2.0
* @desc Basic configuration parameters
* –------------------------------------------------------------------------
* base_dir - Absolute path of base directory
* www_dir - Relative WWW-path of base directory
* sess_time - Session time in seconds
* theme - Theme you want to use - name of theme only!
* startpage - Script filename of front controller
$g_config = array
"base_dir" => $g_absdir . "/",
"www_dir" => "",
"sess_time" => 1800,
"theme" => "default",
"startpage" => "index.php",
"debugging" => false,
//"mandator_preselect" =>"%config.base.mandatorid%"
);/* Correct path */
$g_config["www_dir"] = rtrim($g_config["www_dir"], "/");
$g_config["www_dir"] .= "/";/**
- @desc Directory configuration
- –-------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Array of required global directory structure, the rest is read
* and set by the system registry. NOTE: You should NOT modify this!
$g_dirs = array
"css_abs" => $g_config["base_dir"] . "src/themes/" . $g_config["theme"] . "/css/",
"js_abs" => $g_config["base_dir"] . "src/tools/js/",
"temp" => $g_config["base_dir"] . "temp/",
"class" => $g_config["base_dir"] . "src/classes/",
"temp_www" => $g_config["www_dir"] . "temp/",
"images" => $g_config["www_dir"] . "src/themes/" . $g_config["theme"] . "/images/",
Modify them in order to control the file manager, downloads and
uploads. target_dir must be absolute and tailed by /, furthermore,
your apache-user (normally www-data) needs full access rights (RWX)
to this directory. temp_dir is /tmp/ on UNIX systems, otherwise
configure it here manually for Win.
The image_dir is used for the uploaded object images www-data needs also
full access here */
"fileman" => array(
"target_dir" => "/srv/www/htdocs/idoit/storage/",
"temp_dir" => "/srv/www/htdocs/idoit/storage/temp/",
"image_dir" => "/srv/www/htdocs/idoit/storage/images/"
Variables for the Job Control System. Please care, that crontab_path is
writable by the apache user, so the i-doIT Framework can write its
changes. On Windows, the crontab file MUST be in the system32-directory,
since the CRON Service can only read from this path. On Unix-systems,
you should make a soft link from /etc/cron.d/i-doit or whatever your
cron directory is to webroot/i-doit/cron/crontab. Also make sure, that
you are allowed to use the crontab command, normally you must write
your username into /etc/cron.allow /
"jcs" => array(
/ The JCS user must have admin rights to the i-doIT system! /
"username" => "",
"password" => "",
/ Windows systems /
"crontab_path" => "/srv/www/htdocs/idoit/cron/crons.exe",
"cronwin_path" => "/srv/www/htdocs/idoit/cron",
/ Unix systems /
"crontab_path" => "/srv/www/htdocs/idoit/cron/crons.exe", // CRONTAB File path
"croncmd_path" => "/srv/www/htdocs/idoit/cron/crontab", // CRONTAB Control program
/ i-doIT doesn't try to automatically evaluate the process ID of crond,
enter the path into cronunix_pid */
"cronunix_pid" => "/var/run/cron.pid",)
- @desc Database configuration
- –-------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This configuration is for the system database. Don't forget to use
* mySQL 4.1 with the InnoDB table-driver. Only TCP/IP Hosts are
* supported here, not UNIX domain sockets!
$g_db_system = array(
"host" => "localhost",
"port" => "3306",
"user" => "rade",
"pass" => "xyz",
"name" => "idoit"
* @desc Product info
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Just some internal product information
$g_product_info = array(
"version" => "0.9",
"step" => "beta"
* @desc Proxy
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Proxy configuration
$g_proxy = array(
"active" => false,
"host" => "",
"port" => "3128",
"user" => "",
"pass" => ""
* @desc SOAP
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* SOAP Settings - i.e. for the i-doIT Info center category
$g_soap = array(
"url" => "http://dev.synetics.de/idic/provider.php",
"user" => "",
"pass" => ""
1 Firma Chemnitz (DE) Firma Chemnitz cache_sigma default localhost 3306 sigma rade xyz 1 ISYS_LANGUAGE_GERMAN de
2 Firma Chemnitz (EN) Firma Chemnitz cache_sigma default localhost 3306 sigma rade xyz 2 ISYS_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH enDanke!
Der Fehler tritt nur auf, wenn eine der Datenbanken nicht erreicht werden konnte.
Prüf bitte, ob der mySQL lokal wirklich via TCP erreichbar ist. Vielleicht läuft er nur auf einem UNIX-Domain-Socket.
Ansonsten gibt es an deiner Konfiguration nichts zu bemängeln. Der Benutzer rade@localhost sollte in mySQL mit vollem Zugriff auf die Datenbanken 'idoit' und 'system' haben. Kannst du in der Tabelle mysql.user oder via 'SHOW GRANTS' auf der mySQL-Konsole überprüfen. Es ist möglich, dass der PHP-interne mySQL-Client nicht mit 'localhost' als Source-Host, sondern mit '' u. ä. auf die DB zugreifen will. Das klappt allerdings nur, wenn der Benutzer rade@ auch entsprechende Rechte hat.
Falls gar nichts hilft, schau bitte nochmal in dein Apache2 Error-Log, ob detailliertere Informationen über den Fehler erscheinen.