Report-Manager - Extended Rackreport - Capacity in racks with location
Hey guys,
I have to admit directly that my SQL is unfortunately only sufficient for simple SQL selects and such. Therefore I fail to adjust the report "Available capacities of all cabinets".
I only need one additional column to show the location of the racks.SELECT isys_obj__id AS '__id__', isys_obj__title AS 'Schrank', isys_obj__sysid AS 'SYS-ID', SUM( IF( !ISNULL( isys_catg_location_list__pos ) AND isys_catg_location_list__pos != 0, 1, 0 ) ) AS 'Anzahl Elemente', CONCAT( IF( !ISNULL(rack.isys_catg_formfactor_list__rackunits), rack.isys_catg_formfactor_list__rackunits - SUM( IF( ISNULL( isys_catg_location_list__pos ) OR isys_catg_location_list__pos = 0 , 0, dev.isys_catg_formfactor_list__rackunits ) ), rack.isys_catg_formfactor_list__rackunits ) , ' HE' ) AS 'Verbleibende Kapazitaet' FROM isys_obj INNER JOIN isys_obj_type ON isys_obj_type__id = isys_obj__isys_obj_type__id INNER JOIN isys_catg_formfactor_list rack ON rack.isys_catg_formfactor_list__isys_obj__id = isys_obj__id LEFT JOIN isys_catg_location_list ON isys_catg_location_list__parentid = isys_obj__id LEFT JOIN isys_catg_formfactor_list dev ON dev.isys_catg_formfactor_list__isys_obj__id = isys_catg_location_list__isys_obj__id WHERE isys_obj_type__const = 'C__OBJTYPE__ENCLOSURE' AND isys_obj__status =2 GROUP BY isys_obj__id
Would be great if someone could provide the cue. Thanks for the support and kind regards.
Hi @um3n
I'm working on a solution
If I'm ready, I will let you know und publish the solution.Cheers,