I am trying to update the host category from the host, but how can I managed that because we have multiple rows from the category?
First I would like to read out all category which we have entered but this seems to be impossible?
How I read out the object:
"version": "2.0",
"method": "cmdb.object.read",
"params": {
"apikey": "2i30sgvmvl",
"objID": "22275",
"type_title": "Server",
"category": "C__CATG__GLOBAL",
"title": "title"
"id": "30369",
"message": ""
Is there any English documentation?
Another question I am trying to update to update the category from the object, but recieve a error. This is the code that i am using to test, but nothing works. And the IP is also not helping me at all..
"version": "2.0",
"method": "cmdb.object.update",
"params": {
"apikey": "2i30sgvmvl",
"objID": "30335",
"type": "C__CATG__GLOBAL",
"objecttype": "89",
"type_title": "Remote Management Controller"
"message": "",