@_Chekov_: Hi Patrick, back then when I first got interested in i-doit project, I read from here and noticed from installation documentation that "the place to be" regarding i-doit documentation is that dedicated wiki-site http://doku.i-doit.org/wiki/Main_Page. Practically speaking, there's absolutely no activity on wiki-site and efforts to provide even minimal useful information regarding i-doit installation and usage at various degrees is nonexistent. Oh and not to mention that wiki-documentation is sort of outdated, but I believe this will change somehow after i-doit v0.9.1 got officially released. Could you please describe how that "automatic" inventory for soft- and hardware should work? Based on i.e. barcode based reading and transport of data into the system? I am also not using OTRS for incidents, rather some other product. Integration of i-doit for our existing incident / helpdesk system should be possible somehow. Now as I come to think of it, it could be theoretically sufficient enough to have changes/adds/deletes/etc emailed over to desired email address, which then again is dedicated for i-doit incidents. That would be the first step how to gather and get noticed of some changes what has been done to i-doit system. With kind regards, Chekov Sad to hear that activity surrounding documentation is rather non-existant. "Automatic" updates. Simple, you create a computer and add the systemID to it, at logon you run the script from H-inventory and upload it to i-doit, which in turn updates the "hardware-card" with the information. In that case all hardware is accounted for and tracking of new software could be rather easy. It's still in it's pre-alpha thinking stage, so it's not really solid at the moment, but we do want something like that here to replace our currently too expensive software The barcode system is another module, which i came up with today. It's simple put a inventory tracking for stuff like printer cardridges (when to order new stuff) and beamers (who the hell has my beamer this time? who can we blame? >:) )