Database Flag Primary User
I'm currently searching for a flag in the DB that sets the user as primary user.
I wrote an php script that exports the i-doit data, but i got troubles querying the primary user
out of a device that is used from more than one user. Do you know where this flag is set in code or database?Greetings
Thomas -
Hello Thomas,
do you mean the category "contact assginment"?
jkondek -
Hello jkondek,
exactly what i meant.
Greetings Thomas
Hello Thomas,
in the table "isys_catg_contact_list" there is a column named "isys_catg_contact_list__primary_contact".
The value can be 0 (not primary) or 1 (primary).Check it out
jkondek -
Hallo jkondek,
thanks this helped me a lot, the only thing i'm still looking for is a database connection
between the object ID and the name of the User (obj_title is unfortunately inconsistent)Thanks a lot
Thomas -
Hello Thomas,
that's easy, here is a query for all objects with a primary contact:
j1.isys_obj__title AS 'object',
j2.isys_obj__title AS 'primary contact'FROM isys_obj AS j1
LEFT JOIN isys_catg_contact_list
ON isys_catg_contact_list__isys_obj__id = j1.isys_obj__idLEFT JOIN isys_connection
ON isys_connection__id = isys_catg_contact_list__isys_connection__idLEFT JOIN isys_obj AS j2
ON j2.isys_obj__id = isys_connection__isys_obj__idWHERE TRUE
AND isys_catg_contact_list__primary_contact = 1Maybe you want to add something like this (only all server):
AND j1.isys_obj__isys_obj_type__id = 5Regards,