I-doit startet nicht mehr
ein Kollege von mir hat letzte Woche ein Update von I-doit gestartet. Leider hat er mir vorher nicht bescheid gesagt und auch kein Backup gemacht. Seit dem Update oder was auch immer er gemacht hat, startet es nicht mehr. Folgender Fehler kommt immer:
/** * i-doit - Documentation and CMDB solution for IT environments * * This file is part of the i-doit framework. Modify at your own risk. * * Please visit http://www.i-doit.com/license for a full copyright and license information. * * @version 1.7 * @package i-doit * @author synetics GmbH * @copyright synetics GmbH * @url http://www.i-doit.com * @license http://www.i-doit.com/license */ $g_start_time = microtime(true); $g_absdir = dirname(__FILE__); function gettime() { global $g_start_time; return (microtime(true) - $g_start_time); } $l_errorReporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE; if (defined('E_DEPRECATED')) $l_errorReporting &= ~E_DEPRECATED; if (defined('E_STRICT')) $l_errorReporting &= ~E_STRICT; error_reporting($l_errorReporting); ini_set('default_charset', 'utf-8'); if (ini_get("max_execution_time") < 600) { set_time_limit(600); } function startup_die($p_message) { echo "``` " . $p_message . " ```\n"; die(); } if ((int) ini_get("memory_limit") < 128) { ini_set("memory_limit", "128M"); } if ((int) ini_get("upload_max_filesize") < 8) { ini_set("upload_max_filesize", "8M"); } ini_set("allow_url_fopen", "1"); try { if (file_exists("src/config.inc.php") && include_once("src/config.inc.php")) { if (!include_once "src/bootstrap.inc.php") { startup_die("Could not find bootstrap.inc.php"); } if (!include_once "src/caching.inc.php") { startup_die("Could not find caching.inc.php"); } global $g_dirs; if (isset($_GET["IDOIT_DELETE_TEMPLATES_C"])) { $g_clear_temp = true; $l_directory = $g_dirs["smarty"] . "templates_c/"; } if (isset($_GET["IDOIT_DELETE_TEMP"])) { $g_clear_temp = true; $l_directory = $g_dirs["temp"]; } else if (isset($_POST["IDOIT_DELETE_TEMP"])) { isys_glob_delete_recursive($g_dirs["temp"], $l_deleted, $l_undeleted); } if ($g_clear_temp && isset($l_directory)) { echo "Deleting temporary files ... \n"; $l_deleted = 0; $l_undeleted = 0; isys_glob_delete_recursive($l_directory, $l_deleted, $l_undeleted); echo "Success: $l_deleted files - Failure: $l_undeleted files! \n"; unset($l_directory); if (isset($_GET["ajax"])) { die(); } } } else { if (!require_once "setup/install.inc.php") { startup_die("Could not start installer. Setup files not found."); } } } catch (Exception $e) { if (isset($_SERVER)) { isys_glob_display_error( stripslashes(nl2br($e->getMessage())) ); } else { printf($e->getMessage()); } die(); } try { if (isset($_GET["ajax"])) { if (isys_application::instance()->session->is_logged_in()) { require_once("src/ajax.inc.php"); } else { echo ""; die(); } } } catch (Exception $e) { if (isset($g_error) && $g_error) { isys_notify::error($g_error); } isys_notify::error($e->getMessage() . ' (' . $e->getFile() . ':' . $e->getLine() . ')'); die; } try { if (isset($_GET['api'])) { try { switch ($_GET['api']) { case 'jsonrpc': include_once('src/jsonrpc.php'); break; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } die; } switch ($_GET["load"]) { case "api_properties": include_once("src/tools/php/properties.inc.php"); break; case "property_infos": include_once("src/tools/php/property_infos.inc.php"); break; case "css": include_once("src/tools/css/css.php"); break; case "mod-css": include_once("src/tools/css/mod-css.php"); break; case "update": default: include_once "src/hypergate.inc.php"; break; } if (isset($g_config["show_proc_time"])) { if ($g_config["show_proc_time"] == true) { echo "\n"; } } } catch (SmartyException $e) { try { isys_application::instance()->drawException($e); } catch (Exception $e) { isys_glob_display_error($e->getMessage()); die(); } } catch (Exception $e) { isys_glob_display_error($e->getMessage()); die(); }
Kann mir jemand helfen und sagen was das Problem ist oder was ich machen kann? Ich bin für jede Hilfe dankbar.
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