Set permissions for different users to specific Objects only
Hi, I'm using i-doit 1.8 OPEN Version.
I need to set permissions for different users to specific Objects only.
I can give permissions for whole module CMDB which allows users to read all objects, but i want to restrict users in accessing some objects in Infrastructure.
Is there any way to do that? Please suggest me a better solution.
Thank you. -
Hello mkr27,
welcome to the i-doit forums!
This perfectly sounds like a job for our knowledge base. Yes, it is possible. But unfortunately, we have not published any articles in the English section about setting permissions in i-doit. You may find detailed information in the German section. We hope to fill this gap very soon!
Take a look at Administration > Authorization system > Rights > CMDB. Load the current settings for your users (best practice is to use person groups instead of persons) and alter them.
Benjamin -
Hello Bheisig,
Thanks for your valuable response.
seems like Authorization system options are available in PRO version only.