you may look at my answer in the German section:
If you have large i-doit database with (ten) thousands of objects and some object types / categories which need to be searched you have to increase the php memory.
In our php.ini we have
memory_limit = 8192M
without modifications to the code of the view, this is not possible and would be a feature feedback.
You should contact the support and ask for this.
sadly there is no function in i-doit that covers the use-case that you described.
It could be possible to create a flow with the new Flows add-on that triggers when you archive a server and than archives the host address afterwards.
You can find more information about the Flows add-on here:
A different option would be the API. With some programming knowledge you could create a script that uses the cmdb.category.archive method to archive the host addresses and afterwards the server with the cmdb.object.archive method.
You can find more information about the API methods here:
Best regards
If get a XML of a export , this XML have a: created time, update time, objects id, etc.. information that is set by i-doit (software), what I should do with these field?
Use this CLI command to see the profiles list and ids
When encountering a 500 Internal Server Error, the place to look for error messages is the Apache server error log (by default /var/log/apache/error.log)
this sections can only be used with a "online" license token.
For a list of i-doit host names see our knowledge base -> https://kb.i-doit.com/en/maintenance-and-operation/security-and-protection.html#firewall-and-open-ports
the Checkmk 2 Add-on is maintained by System Haus Dresden.
Actually only our "outdated" documentation is available her -> https://kb.i-doit.com/en/i-doit-pro-add-ons/checkmk2/index.html
I managed to solve the problem, I examined the situation using the "Investigate" option, I read in the console that the IDs were not matched, I went to "Configure list view" -> "Restore default configuration" -> Define as standard -> Save
@Ahmed99foodle said in Documentation:
I want to know if the documentation fouded here (https://kb.i-doit.com/) is for i-doit open ( community version).
If not, I want to know where can i found the documentation for i-doit open ( community version).
Thanks in advance
There is no distinction on this, I think you can learn more about this document.