Problems creating person objects
I am relatively new to the I-Doit API. I have the following json request to create a new person object:
{ "method": "cmdb.object.create", "params": { "categories": { "C__CATG__LOGIN": { "disable_login": 1, "username": "logonname" }, "C__CATG__ORGANIZATION_ASSIGNMENT": { "assigned_organization": 31 }, "C__CATG__CONTACT": { "phone_company": "+049 3641 111 111" }, "C__CATG__PERSON": { "mail_address": "", "last_name": "lastname", "first_name": "firstname" } }, "title": "firstname lastname", "apikey": "apikey", "type": "C__OBJTYPE__PERSON" }, "id": 343653293, "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
Unfortunately I always get the following error:
code=-32600; message=Invalid request : Provided request is not a valid json rpc.; data=
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong here? The header is correct, it also works for creating server objects...
versuch es mal damit:
{ "method": "cmdb.object.create", "params": { "categories": { "C__CATG__LOGIN": [ { "disable_login": 1, "username": "logonname" } ], "C__CATG__ORGANIZATION_ASSIGNMENT": [ { "assigned_organization": 31 } ], "C__CATG__CONTACT": [ { "phone_company": "+049 3641 111 111" } ], "C__CATG__PERSON": [ { "mail_address": "", "last_name": "lastname", "first_name": "firstname" } ] }, "title": "firstname lastname", "apikey": "apikey", "type": "C__OBJTYPE__PERSON" }, "id": 343653293, "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
And here are the corrected categories
{ "method": "cmdb.object.create", "params": { "categories": { "C__CATS__PERSON_LOGIN": [ { "disable_login": 1, "username": "logonname" } ], "C__CATS__PERSON_MASTER": [ { "assigned_organization": 31, "phone_company": "+049 3641 111 111", "mail_address": "", "last_name": "lastname", "first_name": "firstname" } ] }, "title": "firstname lastname", "apikey": "apikey", "type": "C__OBJTYPE__PERSON" }, "id": 343653293, "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
You can find the Constants here ->