Question on installation
Hi Support,
I download your Do-it 9.0 Beta running on RED Hat 4.0, Apache 2.0 PHP 5.1 and MySQL 5.0I am having problem with the Section 4 Installation (Documetnation) on Installing and configuring the MySQL Databases. Could you send me a step by step instructions on installing and configuring the databases
Henry. -
After downloading the source code, you can find actual database dumps in the 'sql'-directory. Before importing, create the databases as root:
CREATE DATABASE idoit_beta_sys; CREATE DATABASE idoit_beta_data;
Now import both SQL files into your mySQL 4.1 database:
mysql -h db-host -P db-post -u user -p pass -D idoit_beta_sys < \ setup/sql/idoit_beta_system.sql mysql -h db-host -P db-post -u user -p pass -D idoit_beta_data < \ setup/sql/idoit_beta_data.sql
And give your database-user access rights to the databases:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON idoit_beta_sys.* TO 'i-doit'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY \ 'we-doit' WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON idoit_beta_data.* TO 'i-doit'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY \ 'we-doit' WITH GRANT OPTION;
i-doIT is partitioned across one mandatory system database (in our case idoit_beta_sys) and at least one mandator database (idoit_beta_data). In the system database system and language constants are stored, furthermore the global i-doIT registry and references to all available mandator databases in the table 'isys_mandator'. Let's create at one entry here:
INSERT INTO isys_mandator VALUES( '%', 'Your company name', 'Your company description', 'cache_your_company', 'default', 'localhost', '3306', 'idoit_beta_data', 'i-doit', 'we-doit', '1', 'ISYS_LANGUAGE_GERMAN', // Or use ISYS_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH here 'de' );
If you want to use an english i-doIT version, use ISYS_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH for the XML-Parameter 'isys_mandator__default_lang_const' and 'en' for 'isys_mandator__default_language_short'.
These are the record information for one mandator database, configure this in order to modify mandator-specific database settings.