Little report
I'm using i-doit for my own in the office for 1 year now, and very happy with it.
But my manager knows it and want to use some data.
I espected in the document isys_component_database.txt some info about the used tables, but the document is empty.
So i wanna ask you if it is possyble to ell witch tables I must query for the next data:
Server 'General' information and the maintenance agreement indormation?
I found some peaces, but not all.
Can you help?Thanks in advange,
Mels Kooijman. -
What exactly do you want to do? Generate a report with an SQL statement?
correct, I take data from the isys_catg_global_list table for the servers and tables isys_catg_maintenance_list and isys_cats_maintenance_list
for the maintenance data. I have to combine this with the "General servers" and "maintenance agreement" information.
But a sort on field isys_catg_global_list__isys_purpose__id gives me the servers but also for example the entry name "service contract"
What is the right way or table for selecting only the servers in a sql query?
If you can tell me, then I have the report.Mels
Connect your query with the object type (isys_obj_type__const = 'C__OBJTYPE__SERVER') with the connection isys_obj_type_2_isysgui_catg
Try that or post your whole query so that I can see what is missing. -
I'm on a short holliday now, I let you know the result when I'm back.
sorry for the late response.
With the object type (isys_obj_type__const = 'C__OBJTYPE__SERVER') with the connection isys_obj_type_2_isysgui_catg I get the information.
every body happy
Thanks for the help