Nagios Export requirements
Hi everyone,
I'm currently trying to get i-doit open (0.9.9-7) and its Nagios module to export the configuration, but it seems I'm missing some information. After some testing I found that hosts need the max_check_attempts parameter >0 to appear in the exported hosts.cfg. However, I haven't found the missing parameter for the contacts, hence my contacts.cfg stays completely empty.
Is there any documentation on required values that I'm missing? Or a log that tells me what's missing for which object?
Let me know if I should post any of my configured values for analysis.
I'm having the same problem. I have already provided the field "Contact assigment" the server object, but when I try to export the configuration of nagios I get:
Warning: Host 'xyz' has no services Associated with it!
Warning: Host 'xyz' has no default contacts or contactgroups defined!Where do I fill it?