Working with command line and export > No login
I want to export same date with the command line tool wget. I read, that I have to use the syntax
"wget http://localhost/index.php?login=admin,1c0b76fce779f78f51be339c49445c49,1&moduleID=XXXX&pID=2&id=1"where 1c0b76fce779f78f51be339c49445c49 is the MD5 Hash of my Password. I created it with the command "echo -n 'secure' |md5sum".
Perhaps, I get only the Login Web site of I-Doit. Also, when I put the URL http://localhost/index.php?login=admin,1c0b76fce779f78f51be339c49445c49,1 I'm not automatically login.
Please give me some advice ?
Best regards,