Update a single-value category with Api
I'm trying to update the value of the Operating System category(C__CATG__OPERATING_SYSTEM) using json api.This is the request:
{ "version": "2.0", "method": "cmdb.category.update", "params": { "category": "C__CATG__OPERATING_SYSTEM", "objID": 6531, "data": { "application": 5771, "assigned_version": 9 }, "apikey": "******", "language": "en" }, "id": "1" }
Response from the db:
{ "id": "1", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": { "code": -32603, "message": "Internal error: Validation errors in dialog related properties occured.", "data": { "assigned_version": "(dialog_plus) Id value(s) '9' do not exist in dialog table. Please check your provided selection." } } }
I'm sure the value '9' mentioned in the error message exist. The problem only appears when updating, If I purge the category, then I can recreate it with the same data.
Hi @mirkomatonti
does the entry for "assigned_version" is the entry-id or the value in the i-doit gui?
If 9 is the value which can be selected in the dropdown menu in the gui, you need to write it with quotation marks for the api request
Extract:"data": { "application": 5771, "assigned_version": "9" <---------- },
Furthermore, the update method is deprecated and I recommend to use the save method.
in your case this would looks like the following snippet:{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "cmdb.category.save", "params": { "category": "C__CATG__OPERATING_SYSTEM", "apikey": "*********", "language": en "object": 6531, "data": { "application": 5771, "assigned_version": "9" } }, "id": 1 }
Phil -
Hi @Philipp-Hörselmann , thank you, changing to "value" it worked!
Now I have the same problem updating the "C__CATG__VIRTUAL_MACHINE".
If I run this on a new object everything goes fine:{ "version": "2.0", "method": "cmdb.category.save", "params": { "category": "C__CATG__VIRTUAL_MACHINE", "object": 6600, "data": { "virtual_machine": 2, "hosts": 834, "primary": 6597, "system": 10 }, "apikey": "******", "language": "en" }, "id": "1" }
Let's say I want to change the "Running on host"' and the "Host in cluster" properties to (253,6444) respectively:
{ "version": "2.0", "method": "cmdb.category.save", "params": { "category": "C__CATG__VIRTUAL_MACHINE", "object": 6600, "data": { "virtual_machine": 2, "hosts": 253, "primary": 6444, "system": 10 }, "apikey": "******", "language": "en" }, "id": "1" }
Same error:
{ "primary": "(dialog) Id value(s) '6444' do not exist in dialog table. Please check your provided selection." }
The problem shows up only with the api, on the web GUI I can change them manually and if I do a category.read I get the correct updated values (hosts:253,primary:6444):
{ "id": "1", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": [ { "id": "290", "objID": "6600", "virtual_machine": { "id": "2", "title": "Yes", "const": "", "title_lang": "LC__UNIVERSAL__YES" }, "hosts": { "title": "Test Cluster", "id": "253", "connection_id": "2981", "type": "C__OBJTYPE__CLUSTER", "type_title": "Cluster", "sysid": "SYSID_1583768396" }, "system": { "id": "10", "title": "XEN", "const": null, "title_lang": "XEN" }, "config_file": "", "primary": { "id": "6444", "title": "Test Server", "sysid": "SYSID_1589213521", "type": "C__OBJTYPE__SERVER", "type_title": "Server" }, "description": "" } ] }
Sorry for the long post, I hope the explanation of the problem is clear.
Thanks for the help.Best,
Mirko -
Hey @mirkomatonti
what versions of i-doit and the APIU add-on are you using?
I cannot reproduce this on i-doit 1.14.2 with the API add-on 1.11.1.Cheers,
Phil -
Hi @mirkomatonti
that's a bug which was fixed with the latest version of the API (1.11.1)
I recommend to update both to the actual versions.Cheers,
Phil -
GreatDo you know where I can find the API(1.11.1)?
Mirko -
Hi @mirkomatonti
do you use the i-doit open or i-doit pro?
If you are using the open version you can find the download in the download section of https://www.i-doit.org/download/
If you are using the pro version you can download the version from the customer portal with your customer login