Exchange of user-created object types
I'm in the process of creating custom object types for certain device types, mostly derived from the generic "Device" type. The question arose as to whether there were already provided object types somewhere in the forum, on Github or elsewhere, or how one could make the community happy with such object types.Is there already a practice for this? or deployment modalities?
I would like to give something back to the community of i-doit users.
Best regards
Ralf Kühnbaum-Grashorn -
You should consider changing your class to "User" instead of "Users". The list_of_users will then be a list of user objects, instead of a list of names. To implement a changeUser function you probably want to create some kind of variable state which indicates whether a user is currently logged in, and which user it is. It is a better design to split the login handling into a separate class, you could for example call it "LoginHandler".