New version 0.9.3, professional service and AddOns
We are pleased to announce a new release of i-doit. There are many improvements and fixes in handling, stability and performance. Enough to be worthwhile, updating to this new version. With the same time synetics, the head behind the project, starts offering professional Service and Support options for companies using i-doit.
There is a first product, called Support-Box, which gives users a defined way of getting direct assistance from technical experts and developers. This (real) box is firstly focused on the German market, so you can find a German manual and packing in scope of delivery. But for sure, the support service is also available for the English-speaking community…
Last but not least there are two AddOns bundled with this support solution. So you get a Reportmanager, helping you evaluating the data in i-doit. Second there is an import interface, whose XML-part can read the output of H-Inventory. H-Inventory is an Open-Source tool, which collects technical data in a mostly automated way from different systems/OS.
If you need more information, feel free to contact us.