Hallo @Selcuk-Kekec ,
war auch meine Überlegung, jedoch ist i-doit bei uns defintiv über den Browser erreichbar inklusive funktionierenden Login auf das Admin-Dashboard.
Datei src/config.inc.php scheint vorhanden zu sein, hier der Content der Datei. FYI: Attribute, welche wie sensible Anmeldedaten aussahen wurden durch Platzhalter ersetzt.
* i-doit
* Basic configuration
* @package i-doit
* @subpackage General
* @copyright synetics GmbH
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU AGPLv3
* Database configuration
* This configuration is for the system database. Don't forget to use MySQL with the InnoDB table-driver.
* Only TCP/IP Hosts are supported here, no UNIX sockets!
$g_db_system = [
'type' => 'mysqli',
'host' => '',
'port' => '3306',
'user' => 'XXX',
'pass' => 'XXX',
'name' => 'idoit_system'
* Security configuration
$g_security =[
'passwords_encryption_method' => 'argon2i'
* This login is used for the i-doit administration GUI. Note that an empty password will not work.
* Leave the password empty to disable the admin center.
* Use the GUI or bcrypt to crypt your password.
* Syntax: 'username' => 'bcrypt-encrypted-password'
$g_admin_auth = [
'admin' => 'XXX',
* Change path to temporary files and caches:
// $g_dirs = [
// 'temp' => '/tmp/i-doit/'
// ];
* Crypto hash used as key for encription with phpseclib.
$g_crypto_hash = 'XXX';
* It is possible to deactivate add-on uploads for the admin-center.
$g_disable_addon_upload = '0';
* i-doit License token.
$g_license_token = '';
Viele Grüße!