Thank you!
Bug/feature request - number of pages does not update when deleting deps
BUG: When deleting entire pages of dependencies, the number of pages does not reduce.
FEATURE REQUEST: Would be great to be able to specify somewhere how many rows to see per page?
Gonzalo -
Report on applications installed
We run various applications on our servers and I'd like to be able to see a listing of all servers and what software is installed on them (ie. what applications are linked to each server object). The way the reports module is built fetches a reports listing from which means, unless I hack it up, it doesn't let me build my own query to report on stuff. Does anyone know of a way to achieve this?
Thank you.
Gonzalo -
Looking for ideas…
I've been working on this all day and I thought maybe someone here has a better way of doing the following:
I'm currently parsing Puppet YAML files which contain all the useful info about a server that I need such as CPU, memory, RAM, OS, serial number, IP address etc. and creating a XML file to import into I-DOIT. The idea is to run this script regularly to keep I-DOIT updated with any changes.
The script works fine when all the "connected" objects exist in the exported XML, but when they don't exist, it is currently a manual procedure to create the OS (or whatever) in I-DOIT, exporting to XML again and running the script. Ideally when I hit a missing OS (or whatever object), I'd like to be able to instantiate an I-DOIT class to create a new object, but a) I'm writing the script in Python and b) if I decided to use PHP, is there an example somewhere of how a PHP script can include I-DOIT classes to query/add/delete objects?
I hope the above made sense. Any ideas/feedback are welcome!
Gonzalo -
RE: Couple of bugs
You're welcome. Happy to report them if it helps your product improve! It is certainly the best one I have found.
I am using 0.9.9-1.
RE: Ability to export from command line?
Thank you very much. This is useful. Before receiving your reply I did something similar in that I used wget to log in with post-data and saved the cookies, then ran wget again with the cookies file and pointed it at the export module page selecting the "export to file" option. This created the idoit_export.xml file I needed.
If anyone is interested in this script, let me know and I'll post it up. I think ds's way is nicer, though.
Ability to export from command line?
Hi there,
I've spent some time writing a Python script which basically generates an XML file from a bunch of Puppet YAML files suitable for I-DOIT to import. It works great, except that often the imported file contains new objects which need to be linked to inside I-DOIT. For example, part of the imported XML may contain a new application/service that needs to be inserted into I-DOIT first. I need to insert the app into I-DOIT to find out the ID so I can link to it in the imported XML, so my question is whether it is possible to export the entire CMDB from command line?
If it is possible, then I could parse my current XML to work out what applications/etc are missing from the exported file, then get them inserted, and run an export again. As it stands right now, I'm doing the export manually via the web interface but I was hoping to automate it if possible.
Thanks in advance!
Gonzalo -
Couple of bugs
The first bug I found is when editing the title of a device. It seems to insert a new row into the formfactor table with rackunits set to NULL. For the device that you just edited, you would now have 2 rows in the formfactor table – one with the real rackunits, and another with rackunits set to NULL. This means the device shows up as 1RU no matter how many rackunits it really has. My workaround is to remember that when editing the title of a device, I need to delete from the formfactor table where obj_id = <whatever>and rackunits IS NULL.
The second bug is to do with the javascript ordering of devices in the rack page. It doesn't seem to work too well in that when you drag and drop, it often makes every other device move up an RU. Say I have a device in RU 15 and 16. If I drag and drop a device into RU 12, it moves 15 and 16 to 16 and 17. Anyone else noticed this or am I doing something wrong?
Great work on this product!! Keep it up