I receive the following error when I try to create a new "dataset" from Modules –> i-manageIT --> New (create new dataset)
Backtrace: #0 _get_backtrace() called at [/usr/local/apache/htdocs/i-doit/src/classes/modules/isys_module_cmdb.class.php:523] #1 isys_module_cmdb->start() called at [/usr/local/apache/htdocs/i-doit/src/classes/modules/isys_module_manager.class.php:268] #2 isys_module_manager->load(2) called at [/usr/local/apache/htdocs/i-doit/src/i-doit.inc.php:125] #3 include_once(/usr/local/apache/htdocs/i-doit/src/i-doit.inc.php) called at [/usr/local/apache/htdocs/i-doit/src/hypergate.inc.php:173] #4 include_once(/usr/local/apache/htdocs/i-doit/src/hypergate.inc.php) called at [/usr/local/apache/htdocs/i-doit/index.php:339]
isys_exception_jcs : JCS Exception: CRONTAB from $g_jcs[crontab_path] does not exist! Current entry:C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\crontab (Extended Information: 0)
I am using slack 10. Here is my cron configuration
Variables for the Job Control System. Please care, that crontab_path is
writable by the apache user, so the i-doIT Framework can write its
changes. On Windows, the crontab file MUST be in the system32-directory,
since the CRON Service can only read from this path. On Unix-systems,
you should make a soft link from /etc/cron.d/i-doit or whatever your
cron directory is to webroot/i-doit/cron/crontab. Also make sure, that
you are allowed to use the crontab command, normally you must write
your username into /etc/cron.allow /
$g_jcs = array
/ The JCS user must have admin rights to the i-doIT system! /
"username" => "",
"password" => "",
/ Windows systems /
"crontab_path" => "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\crontab",
"cronwin_path" => "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/i-doit/cron/crons.exe",
/ Unix systems /
"crontab_path" => "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\crontab", // CRONTAB File path
"croncmd_path" => "/usr/bin/crontab", // CRONTAB Control program
/ i-doIT doesn't try to automatically evaluate the process ID of crond,
enter the path into cronunix_pid /
"cronunix_pid" => "/var/run/crond.pid",
"default" => array( "hour" => 10,
"minute" => 30, /10:30/
"dow" => 0) /0=sunday,…,7=saturday/
Is the cron configuration wrong? or there is another problem?