This may be a newb question, but I want to ask anyways.
The knowledgebase walks through ldap sync and getting that connection working. That's fine. It's working.
Using the example command:
sudo -u www-data php console.php ldap-sync --user admin --password admin --tenantId 1 --verbose --ldapServerId 1
Everything syncs fine.
To do this periodically, it needs to go into cron.
Do I just put the above command into /etc/cron.d/i-doit ? Like this?
5 5 * * * www-data test -x /usr/local/bin/idoit-jobs && /usr/bin/chronic /usr/local/bin/idoit-jobs
4 5 * * * www-data php console.php ldap-sync --user admin --password admin --tenantId 1 --verbose --ldapServerId 1
Or is there another better way to do that or to put the command so that it will sync ldap on a regular basis?