Hi All,
I am testing i-doit integrations with Request Tracker.
I found an issue where the 'Referenced i-doit objects' field in RT is only populated if you are logged into i-doit, otherwise you see 'Error while loading object types'. If I am logged into i-doit the api is called and there are no issues.
OS Version: CentOS 6.6
RT Version: 4.2
Idoit Version: 1.4.8 Open
I have tried to specify $IDoitUser and $IDoitPassword in the RT_SiteConfig to no avail (Doesn't seem to be supported in the latest version).
Anyone have some insight into this behavior and how to fix it? My idoit config is below:
#idoit config
Set($IDoitURL, 'http://hostname.domain.com/idoit/');
Set($IDoitAPI, $IDoitURL . '?api=jsonrpc');
Set(%IDoitMandatorKeys, (
'i-doit mandator' => '1cpk8xxxx',
#Set($IDoitUser, 'admin');
#Set($IDoitPassword, 'pass');
Set($IDoitDefaultMandator, 'i-doit mandator');
Set($IDoitDefaultView, 'objects');
Set($IDoitInstalledSoftware, 'relations');
Set($IDoitShowCustomFields, 1);