Questions about Nagios export
When I do a Nagios export, I get the message "Nagios config written to /usr/local/idoit/nagiosexport"
and then a list of all the written config files. First aside from "commands.cfg" and "timeperiods.cfg"
all files had length of 0 bytes. Since I entered for every device the IP-address also in the
"Nagios export" settings (though they already had a "host address"), I do have entries in
"hosts.cfg". What is necessary to get the other configuration files filled?I have read in another thread that contacts have to be assigned to every object to be exported,
but I have already done this. Do I have to assign the Nagios class to every contact and service
etc? What sense would then make an entry of "ip address" for a contact?Thanks for an answer, regards, Olaf
As far as I can see the problem without really knowing the config, I would say that you are missing some aparametes in the objects Nagios category. You have to turn on atleast some important attributes like "display_name", "check_command", "active_checks_enabled". This is not a complete list of fields, im just trying to recognize it from my memory without testing it. So maybe you should start with playing around with these fields.