Bugs and feature requests
We are not infallible, too. This is why we ask you to report every bug so that we can correct it as fast as possible. Developing the platform showed us that you can quickly lose the look for details when you work on it all day long. Of course you can also report any kind of feature requests and improvements here.
The I-DoIT Team
v.0.9.3 has no table isys_nagios in the database.
Thats the reason why in 27th line of isys_component_dao_nagios.class.php call to this table fails throwing exeption when it's tried to add any new infrastructure record. -
this can occur when you fetch the current development stuff via svn, because we sometimes also commit unfinished things.
Please wait some time - we're about to commit an update procedure (http://server/idoit/updates) for the nagios stuff today. You can then just update to the "virtual" version 0.9.4 for preventing these exceptions.Regards,