OCS: software not removed in I-doit
i'm busy with a I-doit itest. I use a connection between OCS and I-doit. When i add software to the client, the client syncs with OCS and idoit get updated. But when i remove software from the client, the clients sync with OCS and ocs removed the software form the database, but i need to remove the software manually from i-doit.
is this by design?
thnx for your answer.
As far as I know that is by design.
To my knowledge I-doit copies systems from OCS and places them in it's own database. When the system is removed from the OCS database it still excists in the I-doit's database untill it's manually removed there.
Yea thats right. i-doit doesn't know when it has to delete a software because the software is not shown in ocs anymore. It would only be possible to completely remove all software assignments before importing from ocs. But that would result in overwriting or removing manual changes in i-doit..