I-doit CMDB queries
Currently evaluating the CMBD but I have a couple of queries before we raise the PO to purchase and we haven't received a response to them from the I-Doit sales rep.
Can the application be paid for on a monthly basis?
Using the trial we have built a Proof of Concept CMDB, it is not in the correct Cloud Location for production environments but we do not plan to migrate it into the Production Cloud location for a few months, if we took out a yearly subscription and migrate to a different cloud location would that have an impact on the license terms, general terms and conditions or management of the CMDB?
Hello @Barry
Sorry for the inconvenience. We informed the sales guys to get aback to you asap.
Regarding the payment I could not help you, I'm sorry.
The second point, on the other hand, is easy to answer. You can move your i-doit instance as often as you like. As long as you follow the system requirements, there is nothing to stop you. We also provide instructions for moving an instance in our knowledge base. -> https://kb.i-doit.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=66355511Best