Hallo @Kenchas
ein generelles Handbuch als Print-Medium gibt es von uns nicht.
Wir haben dafür unsere Knowledge Base, wo wir vieles erklären und wo du Erklärungen zu vielen Themen in i-doit findest.
Hello @Kenchas
the question is, how do you want to assign the port?
If you have an object with the ports created you can connect the port to another object.
We have a knowledge base article where we gave an explanation how to use the cable patches to connect devices and how it will be done in i-doit. https://kb.i-doit.com/display/en/Cable+patches+and+paths
Hello @Kenchas
the question is, how do you want to assign the port?
If you have an object with the ports created you can connect the port to another object.
We have a knowledge base article where we gave an explanation how to use the cable patches to connect devices and how it will be done in i-doit. https://kb.i-doit.com/display/en/Cable+patches+and+paths