I found the reason:
I have to Administrators set up. The one from the first DB, the second one was automatically generated, when I set up the new mandator. So I logged in with the new admin and the default password… Then I was able to choose the new mandator. Inside I had to set up my username again, with the same password. Afterwards I was able to login to the new mandator.
RE: Problems adding a new Mandator, new mandator doesn't app. on login (solved)
Problems adding a new Mandator, new mandator doesn't app. on login (solved)
I have added a new mandatory according to the Wiki HowTo. I also did the settings in the table isys_mandator (german and english). After logging in for the first time I recieved some errors, I was able to fix, but know there don't appear any errors, but I cannot see the new mandator in the drop-down menu. (Only the one which was automatically installed during the setup.) I also checked successfully if there are users entered in the isys_user_intern table….
Does anyone have an idea, what could be wrong?
Ändern der automatisch vergebenen SYS-ID
habe auch schon im Forum danach gesucht, bin aber leider auf keinen vergleichbaren Fall gestoßen…
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, die SYS-ID, die automatisch vergeben wird per default zu ändern. Klar kann ich die manuell anpassen, aber das ist natürlich zusätzliche arbeit, und man vergisst das nach ner Zeit wieder. Ich würde also gerne den Eintrag sysid_ ändern... Die Nummer dahinter kann gerne so bleiben, evtl. kürzer