I made a fresh installation of i-doit (0.9.9-7 ) without openlap module, and when a user was create, I can't include them to the admin (or any other group) group.
The error is a popup window with the text "Parameter error"
Thanks in advanced
I made a fresh installation of i-doit (0.9.9-7 ) without openlap module, and when a user was create, I can't include them to the admin (or any other group) group.
The error is a popup window with the text "Parameter error"
Thanks in advanced
i have a problem with a openldap configuration, it's seems like work right (i can login with ldap user, and the test show objects), but when i try to attach a ldap user to a group (admin), i have the following error messages "Parameter error" in the popup window.
Any idea?
Thanks in advanced
Finally I could fix the problem by setting up an LDAP connection with fictitious data in the login field and then erasing these content in the table isys_ldap from the database _data.
I know there isn't a perfecto solution, but at the moment i have no choice.
If anyone know other way, please let me know.
Thanks in advanced
When you type three or four letters in the field Location, it should appear an auto complete message like the one at the attachement.
If you check over the auto complete message, the field Location should appear, with de the Default Root Location, and finally check save.
If it doesn't work for you, may be other person with more experience can help you.
At the location formulary of the building, try to type Root-Lokation in the location field, and check Root-Lokation over the auto-complete message. In the past i have some problem using the popup window, so try to avoid it.
let me know if works for you.
You must link the buildings to the root location, next link the room to the buildings and finally the enclosure to the rooms.
good luck
i need to connect my i-doit box to a OpenLdap server with anonymous access allow, any suggestion for the setup?
Thanks in advanced
i'm triying to connect my i-doit (0.9.9-7 ) with a openlap. In the ldap's debug file appear:
2012-02-15 13:58:10 ldap: Testing connection to ldap.servertest.com:389 (uid=jhon.doe,o=sales,o=financial,o=mycompany,c=com)
2012-02-15 13:58:10 ldap: Connected to ldap.servertest.com
2012-02-15 13:58:10 ldap: Connection successfull.
2012-02-15 13:58:10 ldap: No objects found in your configurated OU. No one will be able to login into i-doit. Check filter and search-dn.
the problen is that in the o=sales, there isn´t any OU defined, so i'm not sure about the correct value for the fields:
Search for users in (OU) (*):
Search for groups in (OU) (*):
I'm not the admin of the ldap server.
Thanks in advanced