The empty inactive window Investment costs
In the i-doit 25 PRO version, Accounting -> Investment costs, an empty window appeared, which could neither be filled nor deleted. That he can be made active so that he can add the name of the currency, for example EUR
Best regards,
Inna -
check out Administration -> User settings -> Data format -> Monetary format
Greez Stefan
@StefanP74 Thank you for answer!
Best regards ,
Inna -
Hey all,
this is a know bug which was fixed with version 27.
The colleagues from development have created a query that selects € and sets it for all users.
Please create a backup before using a SQL on your idoit database.Dollar =
Select your data database and use
UPDATE isys_user_locale SET isys_user_locale__isys_currency__id = (SELECT isys_currency__id FROM isys_currency WHERE isys_currency__const = 'C__CMDB__CURRENCY__EURO');