Generate print preview of the logbook of an entry
Hello everybody.
I want to know if there's any way to generate the print preview of the logbook for any kind of entry. I have been trying to get the preview of this entry
But I get the preview empty
Is there any version that can get this right? I'm using the v.1.14 Open Source. In previous topics I have being receiving the suggestion of 2 versions: 1.17.2 and 28. I'm trying to get the most stable version for my needs, because I know that some features have been deleted in recent versions.
that question is hard to answer. But i would suggest to try out each open version.
You cen easily setup a i-doit open with the install script -
@Michael-Huhn Hi Michael, thank you for your answer.
I have tried every version from 1.14 until the 28 version of Open Source I-Doit. None of them have this feature that I need. Actually, post 18 version, the option that I've shown in the first comment it isn't available anymore. I won't try recent versions because I'm acknowledge that many features have been deleted since the 29 version.
I don't know what else to do, I think I'm going to ask on the Development forum to start on how can I access to the forum module.
Or if the Pro Version has this feature. I'll be glad if you could give me a hint.
Hello @Octane33,
i use idoit V33 (pro) ... theres no i-doit build-in print-function for logbook entries ... just Strg+P
Stefan -
@StefanP74 Thank you for clearing my doubt Stefan