Installation error
Hi, I am installing I-doit using WAMP server. I have copied the I-doit folder to WAMP server's root folder(www). But after opening the update folder of I-doit using http://localhost/idoit-open-1.4.8-update/index.php?load=update , I am getting HTTP 404 not found error message. Please guide me how can I proceed with the installation. Thanks in advance.
Babita Gupta -
First of all you should use a folder like "i-doit", so that there is not a version in your URL. For the installation you do not have to use the "?load=update" at the end.
If you use an easy name for your folder, you should reach i-doit with an URL like http://localhost/i-doit and see the installation process.
Since you are using the open version of i-doit, our installation description in our Knowledge Base is not perfect but shows how to do it correctly. You can find it under
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