@mamawe Thank you, will explore the oprtions and update.
RE: API script to create objects in idoIT
RE: API script to create objects in idoIT
@AnilSuthar 8 days no repsonse from anyone, do you think you can help me guys ?
API script to create objects in idoIT
Hi Everyone,
I want to create 1000 objects "Virtual Server" in idoIT, is there a way to synch Virtual machine information from Vcenter and automatically create those objects in idoIT ? I know API is an option, not sure how to get it done, anyone has done it before ? Please share any script if available, will be a great help.Edit: I want to automate this as well, so whenever i create a new virtual server in Vcenter, the script should create object in idoIT as well, whenever it runs next time.
RE: Power Distribution point
@MartinV Hi thanks for the response, i gone through this post earlier but unfortunately it does not include what all the options to be select for creating PDU device in idoit. Is there any guidelines what are the necessary options to create such devices ? I see very limited contents on internet about idoIT.
Power Distribution point
I want to create an object "PDU" and define the power connectivity to the devices like server , routers, switches etc. I'm now sure how to do this, is there any documentation available on this topic, please share if you find anything.
Thanks in advance.
Help require to update multiple object modification
Hi Everyone,
I'm in need of replacing contacts information for approx 1000 objects in idOIT, they needs to be replace with different groups. Is there any way i can do it in quick time, something like script (I'm not well aware of it), if anyone have please share.. Thanks in Advace.