please send a mail to help@i-doit.com and tell which API Version you need.
Not supported by i-doit OPEN
i-doit Add-on API 2.1
Required i-doit >= 31
~~i-doit Add-on API 2.0.1
Required i-doit >= 30
i-doit Add-on API 2.0
Required i-doit >= 30
i-doit Add-on API 1.16
Required i-doit >= 29
Suported by i-doit OPEN
i-doit Add-on API 1.15
Required i-doit >= 27
i-doit Add-on API 1.14.1
Required i-doit >= 24
i-doit Add-on API 1.14
Required i-doit >= 1.19
i-doit Add-on API 1.13.1
Required i-doit >= 1.19
i-doit Add-on API 1.13
Required i-doit >= 1.19
i-doit Add-on API 1.12.3
Required i-doit >= 1.15
it is not possible to modify entries. Editing entries would not be audit-proof.
looks like there are more and more bot answers that work with ai models.
In this topic, it is explained how to manage tags using the API. The limitations in the use of tags I mention in my previous post do not exist.
However, I am still wondering about the consequences of using tags vs object groups.
Hey @fa__
yes, that's correct - working with the ID will work, since i-doit does not have to "look up" the correct version on its own. I have created a bug ticket for the this Thanks for finding this issue!
Best regards