Moin @Gaylord-Fokker
kannst du bitte mal schauen, ob der Fehler noch so auftritt?
Bei einer internen Umstellung war die Kommunikation für den Lizenzcheck kurzzeitig nicht verfügbar. Es sollte wieder funktionieren.
Beste Grüße

RE: Unbekannter oder abgelaufener Lizenztoken
RE: test update
Hey @Jung-Hoon-Lee
you can find manual in our knowledge base.
The first article will help you to create a backup and the second update is about updating i-doit itself.
Phil -
RE: I-doit CMDB queries
Hello @Barry
Sorry for the inconvenience. We informed the sales guys to get aback to you asap.
Regarding the payment I could not help you, I'm sorry.
The second point, on the other hand, is easy to answer. You can move your i-doit instance as often as you like. As long as you follow the system requirements, there is nothing to stop you. We also provide instructions for moving an instance in our knowledge base. ->
Phil -
RE: Lost Connector Outputs in 1.16.3
unfortunately this is a bug in i-doit. We already provided an hotfix for this issue.
You will find the hotfix named "Cable connections are not displayed when inputs and outputs are connected" here ->
Phil -
RE: Dokumentation SQL-Server-Lizenzen (Core)
Moin @hatho
zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt wäre es nur möglich, dies händisch in einer benutzerdefinierten Kategorie zu dokumentieren. Leider ist die Lizenzlogik momentan noch nicht für Core-Licenses ausgelegt.
Ist aber geplant und auf der RoadmapVG
Phil -
RE: ldap person group
you can specify the LDAP filter within the server configuration.
You can configure what the filter should found and therefore what should be imported.
Did you check out the general configuration of the interface? ->
Phil -
RE: Keeping the password hidden
You have two possibilities here:
- If you don't want do make other users able to see the passwords, you can change the permission and set up taht the users are not allowed to see the password category in general
(the following article will help to understand the authorization system in i-doit ->
or - You can edit the category list to not show the password column.
- If you don't want do make other users able to see the passwords, you can change the permission and set up taht the users are not allowed to see the password category in general
RE: Berichtsmanager
du musst zuerst definieren, was angezeigt werden soll.
Für den Ausgabebereich wählst du die Kategorien -> Attribute, die angezeigt werden sollen und für den Bedingungsbereich kannst du die Bedingungen definieren, nach welchen gefiltert werden soll.
Der folgende Artikel kann dir bei der ersten Verwendung des Report-Managers helfen -> Grüße
Phil -
RE: Report Manager
you need to filter what your report should show you.
For the output section you select the categories -> attributes which should be displayed and for the condition section you can define the conditions what should be filtered.
The following article will help and explain how to use the report manager ->
Phil -
RE: Report Manager
Hi @Oya-Erdayı
you need to create a report category at first.
The "variable report" checkbox is is checked automatically based on the report conditions.
The following article may help you regarding variable reports :
Phil -
RE: Automatic Relationship Creation
Hi @oya-erdayı
the relations between objects are created based on the categories. The question is, how to you connect these objects?
For example:
If you want to assign a client to a person you need the categories contact assignment and the specific category person->assigned obejcts.
these two categores will establish an relation between the client object and the person object, if they have been assigned to each other via the categories.
Phil -
RE: schniettstelle, Monitoring Chechmk 2
Moin @Begis
bitte entferne mal die deine dynamischen Tags in i-doit und führe dann den Befehlidoitcmk sync-tags aus
. In der Fehlermeldung werden dynamische Tags bemängelt.VG
Phil -
RE: Assigned Permission
Hello @Oya-Erdayı
you can explicitly say which object types a group can see, edit, etc.. In the following article you can find an example of CMDB permissions with short explanations.
For example, you can set the "Object(s) of type" right so that all but a few selected object types are hidden.Best
Phil -
RE: Rights
Hello @Oya-Erdayı
is the user still a member of a group that grants permissions? New permissions do not take effect immediately. Either the user has to wait a bit or you clear the cache in i-doit. (Administration -> System tools -> Cache / Databases -> Clear complete cache)
Phil -
RE: Berechtigung Zuweisen
Hello @Oya-Erdayı
du kannst explizit sagen, welche Objekttypen eine Gruppe sehen, bearbeiten, etc. kann. In dem folgenden Artikel findest du ein Beispiel für die CMDB Berechtigungen mit kurzen Erklärungen.
Du kannst z.B. das Rechte "Objekt(e) vom Typ" so einstellen, dass bis auf ein paar ausgewählte Objekttypen, alle ausgeblendet sind.VG
Phil -
RE: Rigths
Hi @oya-erdayı,
in the attached screenshots the appropriate permission "Object(s) of type" ist not given or does this entry is not saved?
After you gave the perrmissions you could clear the compelte cache so that the changes take effect directly. The cache can be deleted in Administartion -> System tolls -> Cache / Databases -> Clear complete cacheBest
Phil -
RE: Software assignment with license not working
Hi @fa__ ,
it looks like you are using the object ID of the license object for "assigend_license" right?
You need to use the ID of the license entry itself. F.e.: After creating a license object you fill out the specific category license. The IDs of the documented license keys have to be used to assign the license.At first you need to read out the category license list of the license object. You will find the needed IDs there.
Example:{ "version": "2.0", "method": "", "params": { "objID": 2988, "category": "C__CATS__LICENCE_LIST", "apikey": "c1ia5q", "language": "en" }, "id": 1 }
The result willshow you the entries of the specific category with the IDs of the licences. These IDs you need to use.
Phil -
RE: schniettstelle, Monitoring Chechmk 2
@begis said in schniettstelle, Monitoring Chechmk 2:
Unbekannte Tag-Gruppe C__CATG__CMK2__export_ip
beim push?
Lief der sync-tags command fehlerfrei durch?VG
Phil -
RE: Berechtigungssystem
Hi @Oya-Erdayı
du musst dem Benutzer das Recht gewähren, Objekttypen zu sehen.
Das Recht heißt "Objekt(e) des Typs" und du kannst definieren, dass der Benutzer nur spezielle Objekttypen oder alle Objekttypen sehen kann. Dadurch kann der Benutzer die Objekttypgruppen in der oberen Leiste sehen.
Ich empfehle einen Blick in unsere Knowledge Base bezüglich des Berechtigungssystems in i-doit ->