Hello @inasutin
the error tells us that your machine (or rather PHP) does not have enough memory to index all your data.
The simple solution would be to increase the memory limit for PHP.
The "proper" solution would be to find out which category is causing this issue and also re-evaluate if the data that is currently being indexed in terms of "do we really need to index this?"
In order to do so you can manually re-index the search by running the command @StefanP74 supplied but add the -vvv option to see all details. You will see which categories gets indexed and the amount of entries (please note: the process will slow down due to this output).
This can help you find the culprit (= the category that causes the memory issue).
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/html/console.php search-index --user admin --password XXXXXXXXX --tenantId 1 -vvv
Afterwards you can try to adjust the indexing. For example you can prevent certain categories from beeing indexed as you might not need them to be searchable - that will free up resources!
For this you can call the search-index command and pass a list of categories that you actually want to be indexed via --category ... This will be a bit tedious, but ideally you'll only have to do it once.
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/html/console.php search-index --user admin --password XXXXXXXXX --tenantId 1 --category C__CATG__GLOBAL --category C__CATG__CPU
Best regards,
If the attributes in "Layer 2 Net > Layer 2 Net" are not sufficient you may need to create your own custom category:
attachments cannot be sent. The report is sent as a table in the e-mail.
[image: 1730702308742-479aadce-d200-46b3-b08e-f4c59e465ff1-image.png]
You can modify the e-mail template and add additional information to the e-mail via predetermined placeholders. Also you can add additional attributes to the table.
[image: 1730702429228-16738e18-c7fe-4940-84b7-8b701c6cc520-image.png]
Schaut so aus, als wäre memory_limit in deiner php.ini zu schwach eingestellt.
Keine Ahnung wieviel der Prozess benötigt, aber ich denke, wenn du mal auf 1024MB drehst, wird das nicht verkehrt sein.
Hey all,
this is a know bug which was fixed with version 27.
The colleagues from development have created a query that selects € and sets it for all users.
Please create a backup before using a SQL on your idoit database.
Schweizer Franken = C__CMDB__CURRENCY__SWISS_FRANC
Select your data database and use
UPDATE isys_user_locale SET isys_user_locale__isys_currency__id = (SELECT isys_currency__id FROM isys_currency WHERE isys_currency__const = 'C__CMDB__CURRENCY__EURO');